"We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give" - Winston Churchill
CSA operates with an elevated Corporate Conscience where we’re committed to doing what is right for the community, the society and the environment at large.
We are associated with several not-for-profit organizations;
Senses Residential and Day Care for Special Needs
Special Needs Future Development Centre
Vidya International Charitable Trust
Siddha Samadhi Yoga
to name a few.
We conduct free training programs for their members to help them in their initiative and link our clients with such non-profit organizations thereby providing a platform to interact which is mutually beneficial for both entities. We also organize and conduct free sessions for schools in the UAE, particularly for the student community. We also help our corporate clients by partnering with them in their CSR initiatives, especially those taken to empower the blue collar workers within the organization.

Because We Care
"The simple act of caring is heroic." - Edward Albert
After Covid stuck the world we have also launched the “Because We Care” initiative to help people manage themselves emotionally and mentally with complimentary coaching from trained, professional coaches. With this small initiative we hope to positively touch the lives of people who need this help and support at this crucial time. This is our way of giving back to the society.